Real Estate

At Monaghan Safar Ducham we assist residential and commercial borrowers and lenders in the acquisition, development, sale, and financing of real estate. We represent a full range of clients throughout the state including corporate developers, small business owners, and residential homeowners.

We begin our process by carefully reviewing and drafting the documents that are necessary to protect our clients’ interests. We guide our clients through the conveyance with careful advice on matters of finance, title, and permitting. In addition, we help landowners resolve disputes related to their property, including litigating matters of adverse possession and boundary line disputes.

Title Insurance

We are able to provide CATIC title insurance policies as an agent for the Vermont Attorneys Title Corporation (VATC). CATIC is an underwriting member of the American Land Title Association (ALTA), the New England Land Title Association (NELTA) and the North American Bar-Related® Title Insurers.

Settlement Agent (Purchase & Refinance)

We are an approved closing agent for various local and national lenders. Check with your lender, if we aren’t on their list and can’t get added, we are happy to be your title only agent.

Seller Agent

We provide services in connection with the sale of property, including drafting the deed of conveyance, necessary tax forms, and other documents required for your specific transaction.

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